Cd's and tapes are available on loan to members of the Durham Centre for Theosophical Society from our Library.
Ancient Truths-Modern Secrets. Susan Bayliss. 2009 The Snake and the Rope. Edi Bilimoria. 2007 The Christ, Cosmic, Solar and Planetary. Christian Bodhi. The Inner Teachings and the New Age. Ann Borrow. 1999 Mastering Time and Timelessnes. Von Brachler. 2009 The 7 Rays and their influence on Humanity. Ted Capstick. 2009 Tibetan Ways to Enlightenment. Muriel Daw. 1987 The Golden Gate:Portal to a Golden Age. Peter Dawkins. 2008 Esoteric Healing. Linda Dutton. 1993 We are the Light of the World. Geoff Freed. 2009 Pre-Historic Evolution of Consciousness. John Gordon. 2009. Swedenborg, Blavatsky, and the Afterlife. Vernon Harrison. 1990 Alchemy, Science of Transformation. Philippa Hartley. 1995 Parallel Worlds and Multiple Realities. David Harvey. 2008 Herbs and their Uses. Nikki Hiscock. 2003 Dragon Symbolism in Earth Mysteries. Jayne Hoult. 2006 Discipleship in the New Age. Christmas Humphreys. A Secret History of Consciousness. Christmas Humphreys. Unravelling the Yi Jing. Sue Kalicinska. 2006 A Change for the Better. Gary Lachman. 2009 The Yoga Sutras-The Goal of Self Realization. Trevor Legget. 1983. The Intention Experiment. Lynne Mc Taggart 2007 Steve Nobel. 2009 . Symbols of Transformation. Qabalistic Tree of Life. Yiannis Pittis. 2000 Colin Price.The foundations of Esoteric philosophy. Secret Meaning in Esoteric and Sacred Art. Karen Ralls. 2009 Science of the Chakras. Peter Rendell. 2003 Gnosisism:Faith for the New Millenium. Barry Seabourne. 2008 Spiritual Warrior the Knight's Quest. Malcolm Stewart. 1995 H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine. Barry Thompson. 2005 Barry Thompson. Implications of Esoteric Philosophy. 2013. Synchronicity, Unlocking Inner Potential. Harold Tarn. Janus Master of the Mystery of Everything. Robert Woolley 2007. Religious Diversity a Positive Approach. Robert Woolley C.D.s The Universal Laws of Nature. Eric McGough The Evolutionary Task of Humanity. Peter Barton. 2013 The Essence of Theosophy. Peter Barton. 2013 Sacred Waves and Four Winds. Susan Bayliss. 2013 The Eternal Pilgrim. Ted Capstick. 2013 The Awakened Soul. Brian Gill 2013. The Conscious Universe. Jayne Hoult. 2013 Group Consciousness. Theresa Keast. 2013. The Concept of God. Colin Price 2013. The Proem. David Roeff. 2013 The Upanishads. Atma Trasi. 2013 Unity. Ron Wallwork. 2013. Theosophical Classics, Electronic Book Edition, CD Rom. DVDs. The Inner Journey. Gary Kidgell Gods Monads & Atoms David Roef Death and Conscious Immortality David Roef |